Technology is almost at a point where it’s starting to outpace us. We have to constantly reinvent ourselves to keep up with this technology and redefine our lives to improve our productivity. The AI webcam can have a huge impact on the way we communicate online and interact with consumers or businesses through the internet. At BURST, we already have OSBOT 4K AI webcams to take our online meetings to the next level and create meaningful and impactful conversations.
What is an AI webcam?
Regular webcams have limited camera setup options, while AI webcams can track activities, recognize shapes and text, and revolutionize online video creation and meetings.
AI webcams capture 4K resolution video at 30 frames per second with noise cancelling, background noise reduction, and dual microphones. Multiple AI webcams can also track people and objects simultaneously in a building or street.
Who’s watching who?
Let’s face it, AI webcams may sound impressive, but they go beyond privacy regulations. They can record anything, including conversations of co-workers or passersby. This puts personal information at risk of being stolen, leading to identity theft or security breaches. However, many cameras have built-in privacy features, such as pointing down when there’s no activity for a certain period, 10 seconds for example.
Remote work
AI webcams are becoming more common as remote work grows. Although not everyone may welcome them, they can increase productivity and improve business operations. Employers can use them to track employee behavior, identify missing employees, and limit mobile usage. Despite the potential for friction, AI webcams have the potential to benefit businesses.