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Website + Design


The website displays a robust architectural image on their landing page to depict the building’s impressive contours of the condominium A calm slate, the grey palette was used to convey minimalism and timelessness. This created a robust and responsive web design that enabled the user to navigate through the website to look for their possible dream home effortlessly. Simple graphic linework imitates the tower’s textured façade.

The Challange

A homepage With a view.

To develop an all-inclusive website demonstrating the company’s signature project called the Pacific by Grosvenor, that would connect with the buyer and ensure the company’s standards are met. Burst collaborated on this project with Rennie Marketing and Letter Box.

Responsive Design


Our team worked collaboratively to ensure that both elements and content are scaled well with the size of the screen on which it is viewed. Images were sized accordingly so that visitors could easily read the content.